Ortho Impact

by Alpine App LLC

Health & Fitness


Ortho Impact is to help people understand how your activities impact your body.When I got a new artificial hip, I was frustrated that there was not more clarity on how to takegood care of my hip. I was told to avoid basketball and running if I want to maximize thelife of the hip. But there is a lot of grey area. Like many, I got the hip in order to bemore active.What if you play basketball without jumping? What if you run across the street before thepedestrian light turns red? What about tennis with a partner who hits to you? What about skiingin moguls? What about hiking with a backpack on? What about roller blading? What about playingtag with grandkids? What about ...?Ortho Impacts goal is to give you more information about how much force you are putting onyour hip doing various activities. With this information you can decide which activitiesyou want to pursue and which you might want to minimize or change the way you do them.If your hip lasts 30 years and you get 10,000 steps a day, you will put over 100 million stepson your hip. The goal of this app is to provide you information about how much these steps impactyour hip.The first step after you install this app is to understand how much acceleration you undergo withvarious activities (walking on flats, hiking uphill, hiking downhill, jogging, ...).Since everyone is different, this will give you an understanding of how these activities compareand what acceleration this puts on your body.To start a recording session, just start the app, press play, put it in your pocket and do your activity.When you are done or while you are still doing it, you can look at the maximum acceleration and viewa graph to see when the impact was the highest.The next step is to determine what threshold values to set on your app. The thresholdis the level that you want to know when you exceed it. The app can play a sound when you exceed thethreshold and you can also view how many times you exceeded the threshold during a session.To avoid your phone turning off1. Open settings2. Tap on Security & Location3. Tap the Smart Lock entry and confirm your current PIN or password.4. Select on-body detection5. Tap continue once you have read the security message.